Monday, January 21, 2013

Foreign Fruit

   It's weird, I've been having a lot of conversations lately with people regarding Apple and its products.  These discussions have been interesting, entertainment, sometimes even heated, and almost always in the direction of Apple is better than "X."  Granted everyone I've talked to has been sensible, but it has still called to mind images of the stereotypical Apple Fanboy... an image we all need to be aware of and look out for.
   What makes an Apple Fanboy different from an Apple fan?  Well, an Apple fan respects Apple as a high quality product.  An Apple fan uses these products on a regular basis, typically for what they are designed for, and has good solid reasons to back up their claims as to why they prefer Apple products over others.  Apple Fanboys do all of these things... just way way waaaaaay to the extreme.
   Apple Fanboys are typically hipsters, though some of them have branched out into the new hipster/douchebag hybrid which, to my knowledge, has yet to be categorized (science is probably still trying to understand how anything could have gotten worse than hipsters and/or douchebags... once again, science, joke's on you).  These are usually people who think they discovered Apple and all the great things that this company represents.  They drop $2k on a fancy laptop that CRUSHES their screenwriting or web browsing software.  Very few of them actually use these expensive tools to their full potential.  Their Apple products are status symbols, and that is where Apple is genius.
   I won't go into the nuances of Apple's marketing technique because, come on, I don't have to.  You can see that it works.  But the real genius of Apple, for me anyway, is just how stupid they make these hipster/douchebags look without them even realizing it.
   If you really want to expose one of these hip-bags as a fraud, start off by striking up a political conversation.  Ask who they voted for (even though they probably didn't vote, chances are they will say Obama).  If they truly didn't vote, congratulations, you have a true hipster.  The politics don't really matter, but they will be icing on the cake.  Gently direct the conversation to the topic of jobs, and more specifically, the fact that jobs have been going overseas and what that has done to the American economy.  Chances are they will agree with you and start talking about all the shitty corporations who have screwed over our country by exporting jobs.  Agree with them, agree with them wholeheartedly.  Stroke that pathetic little hipster ego, it will make the kill shot even sweeter.  Get them going on which companies they hate so much for screwing us over.  Exxon, probably some car companies, somehow Mitt Romney... and -- here's your moment -- Apple.
   That's right.  Apple does a large portion of its manufacturing in China, and they have regularly and repeatedly said that they aren't coming back.  Now you may have already known that, but I'll bet your hipster pal doesn't.  He probably doesn't watch the news (you know, since being stupid is better than watching media you "can't trust").  
   The Fanboy will have two options here.  He can either pretend like he knew that his laptop was built in China, basically by slaves, and thereby defeat himself as a hipster.  Or he can try to fight you on the idea, to which point you can just show him the link up there or countless more that are out there.  Use his Apple to show him, that will be even better.  Either way, you win, the d-bag is defeated.
   Now as much as I love destroying hipsters' pathetic little worlds, there is a real cause for concern here.  Apple is openly giving the middle finger to Americans who are dying for jobs, and yet they are one of -- if not the -- most valuable and successful companies on the planet.  And yet somehow they have completely slipped under the radar.  Seriously, I know people who refuse to buy a Japanese car because they will only buy Dodge, Chevy, Ford, "American" (HA!)... and yet they own an iPad or a Macbook and have no qualms about it.  How is this happening?
   The reality is, Apple products are fantastic.  They work extremely well (except for when they don't), they look cool (and cost twice as much), and they are everywhere.  That doesn't even touch their innovation, which I have to admit, is incredible.  And I'm not saying you shouldn't buy Apple anymore, I'm just saying you should realize what you're really buying here and consider that before making your next purchase.  You know, maybe buy that Motorola, or that Asus, or whatever other computer is out there (also most likely manufactured in China).

Houston Texans, We Have A Problem...

   And just like that, for the second season in a row, the Texans bow out in the second round of the playoffs. This was supposed to be our season.  Our division was weak, our schedule was sound, our team was healthy... we came out of the gate with a huge undefeated first half of the season.  And then we crumpled.  There are a lot of things that happened in the last few weeks of the season, a lot of reasons why we suddenly started looking like our old selves and dropping games left and right.  And I'll admit right now I'm not a big stats guy and I don't know all the ins and outs of football... but I will say this: all of the Texans' problems can be traced back to one person.  Matt Schaub.
   From everything I've seen and heard, Schaub is a great guy.  Family man, does some sweet commercials, what's not to like?  He even looks good on paper.  He's accurate, he's dependable, he gets the offense and can really sell the play-action.  Who could ask for anything more than that?
   Well, this isn't personal.  Matt, since I know you read this blog, I'm sorry, but this is business.  You are accurate... up to about 10 yards.  Anything deeper than that is underthrown and off the mark.  You have absolutely no pocket presence... the second the thing starts collapsing, you fall over and curl up into the fetal position.  And God forbid you actually have to run with the ball.  Seriously, it looks like it hurts you to run.  I know you're not supposed to be able to run like a receiver, but geeze man, get on a treadmill every now and then.
   I know what you're about to say.  The defense certainly didn't hold its own towards the end of the season either.  Well, you're right.  We had some injuries, though seriously I doubt even someone like Cushing could have had that big an impact.  The reality of our defense is that our secondary blows nuts.  Our front end defense is good, we can usually stop the run.  But we definitely need some corners.  Still, we had the same corners at the beginning of the season and we held our own.  Why?  Because our defense wasn't on the field nearly as much, and when they were it was usually with a much better field position.  Towards the end of the season, Schaub couldn't get his offense going, which meant the defense would spend more time on the field, get tired, and then get run over.
   Our special teams is problematic as well.  Lots of penalties this year.  Again, I can link this to Schaub.  At the beginning of the season when we were kicking everyone's ass, our special teams had a cush job.  Most of what they were doing was guarding kickoffs (in response to our touchdowns).  Towards the end of the season though, they were having to defend punts, usually from our end of the field... which meant the other team had a lot less ground to cover, and created a more desperate situation on our side.  That still doesn't excuse our sloppy special teams, but it certainly didn't help us either.
   The real problem is that most of this is in Schaub's head.  He has a really weird throwing motion and release, but I think you can teach a guy how to throw farther.  What you can't teach a guy is to stand tall in the pocket and deliver that throw in the face of a defense.  You can teach a guy to scramble, to dodge defenders and find a way to get the pass out of there.  But you can't teach someone to be brave in there, to be willing to take a hit and not keel over at the first sign of danger.  Schaub has been hurt several times, and he's gotten some of the worst hits I've ever seen on the quarterback.  I can definitely see how that would shake a guy up.  Hell I'm scared shitless of bees.  There's no rhyme or reason to it, I just lose my shit whenever there's a wasp in the room.  I get it.  But I don't go near bees.  And Schaub, if he really is facing that kind of fear, should not be standing in the pocket.  It's the harsh truth, but it's the truth.
   Bottom line: we will not get to a Superbowl with a quarterback like Matt Schaub.  Our offense has the capability.  We have the playmakers.  But right now we are one-dimensional.  Look at the teams that have killed us.  They have stopped the run and forced Schaub to throw.  And while Schaub is great for the occasional completion, when the game is on his shoulders you'll more often than not get what we saw against the Packers.  Or the Patriots.  Twice.  I hate to say it, but Schaub has to go.  Find someone else.  Hell, give Yates a shot.  Do something, or else we're going to have another repeat next season.  And our window of opportunity is closing.  Manning and the Broncos are only going to get better.  Brady and the Pats are still going to be tough.  The Ravens have plenty of other good defensive players, even without Ray Lewis.  And the Colts are going to be another dynasty team under Luck.  We need to make this happen, and we need to make it happen quick.  Until next season fellas...

Gangster Squad

   From Netflix:  When notorious East Coast mob boss Mickey Cohen looks to set up his operations in L.A., it's up to a group of hard-nosed LAPD cops to take him down. Based on true events, this '40s-era crime drama is directed by Ruben Fleischer.
   My Take:  So I saw the preview for this and I thought to myself "hey, here's a stylish, noirish, fun take on the mob drama.  Something different yet extremely violent.  I'm in!"  Then I saw it in theaters, and boy was I wrong.
   What kills it for me is how stereotypical this movie is.  It's painful.  You've got the emotionally unstable mafia boss, over-the-top but not a bad guy until you cross him.  You've got the army-vet-turned-cop who "only knows how to fight" (yes, he says that).  You've got the big-mouthed kid cop who learns to be an adult and turns out to be the glue that holds everyone together.  You've got a mish-mash squad of misfits, racially equal and each possessing some sort of special talent, Ocean's 11 style.  There's a knife guy, a guy who only uses six-shooters, I mean seriously?  Oh and let's not forget the overly dramatic and concerned wife who's just an innocent in all of this.
   I wish that I could say it's been so long since we've seen a movie like this that it's kind of a breath of fresh air.  It's certainly what I would consider a "traditional" mob movie.  It's set in the 50s, that doesn't mean it has to play like it's the 50's.  This movie could have been so, so much better.
   There were some good things, however.  The style of the movie was really cool.  They had some awesome shots (especially the shootout at the end, holy crap).  Of course, there were also some shots in there (like the coyotes shot) that looked like they were just throw aways that somehow made it into the final cut of the film. But overall it was well-directed and edited.  The punching in this movie was some of the best I've ever seen. You could literally feel the hits land.  Oh, and -- I can't believe I'm about to say this -- I actually liked Ryan Gosling in this movie.  That's right, it's true.  I thought he was among the best actors.  He fit the part perfectly, right down to his annoying, high-pitched voice.  Well played sir, well played.
   Here's the thing.  I can't recommend this movie... not in theaters at least.  Once it comes out on video, I'd say give it a rent -- but only if you're into mob movies.  It's definitely violent, it doesn't shy away from the gore, it has some excellent fight scenes and shootouts.  But among the great mob movies out there, even compared to the older ones, it just doesn't meet the standard.

Total Recall

   From Netflix:  Bursting with mind-blowing action sequences and spectacular visual effects, Colin Farrell stars as Douglas Quaid, a man on the run after a mind-bending procedure at Rekall goes horribly wrong. Co-starring Kate Beckinsale and Jessica Biel.
   My Take:  I heard some pretty bad things about this movie.  The best review I think I heard was "eh, it's alright..." and that came from a guy who usually LOVES crappy movies.  So needless to say, I was a little concerned going into this one.  And why wouldn't I be?  It had some big shoes to fill.  The old "Total Recall" may have been a terrible movie by normal standards, but as far as cheesy Ahnold movies go, it is a total classic.  I would even put it above "Predator" on the Ahnold-Awesomeness scale.  And so, because I was doing this throughout the entire movie, I might as well write this review as a comparison between the two.
   First of all, let me say this: the new "Total Recall" did an amazing job of staying true to the original story.  There were some big changes, namely the fact that they aren't going to Mars in this one.  But that actually makes the whole thing a little more believable.  And while Mars was an interesting setting for the first movie, I think it was a smart play in this one to change it up.  So that's a plus.
   Now for the characters.  Colin Ferrel is a much more believable Quaid/Houser than Ahnold was.  Ahnold was ginormous.  Ferrel is just a normal, albiet cut gentlemen, trying to get by in his 9-5.  The fact that he's not some muscle man makes him much more believable and relatable.  Now one thing I didn't like in this movie is that they eliminated Michael Ironside's character.  Instead, Quaid's "wife" fills that role too... and while she is smoking hot, it would have been awesome to see another Ironside-like character.  Hell why not get Ironside?  I don't think he's doing anything since "Terminator: Salvation."  Back to the ladies though, all of them were hot.  Holy crap they were hot.  So even though this isn't perfect, I'm going to give it a plus.
   The special effects in this movie were absolutely mindblowing.  Brilliantly designed, and much closer to where technology is actually going.  Granted, the 1980s future setting has its charm, and for a while I guess it was really where everyone thought we were going (look at all the movies that fit the mold: Robocop, Total Recall, Blade Runner, the list goes on)... they really did a great job of making this movie look and feel like the not-too-distant future.  They even paid a nice homage to Ahnold pulling that sensor out of his nose... only this time it was pulling a phone out of his hand.  Nicely done.
   Finally, the action... or really, the "feel" of the whole movie.  While this movie apparently had a bigger budget than the old one, it covered so much more ground than the old one that there's almost no comparison.  It went so much deeper into the politics, the synthetic soldiers were an interesting dynamic, the size and scope of the action was just incredible.  Awesome chase scenes, relentless fighting, I actually laughed at one point because the action was just so non-stop I thought "there's no way these guys could still have the energy to run or get into a fist-fight after all this."  It was gorgeous to watch, too, thanks to the amazing special effects.  It seriously made the old movie look like it was put together on a small set using toy props.  Bravo.
   Now, this movie is not going to win any awards for dialogue or acting, but come on.  Neither was the first one.  "Total Recall" is what it should have been 30 years ago.  It's better in all the right places, and it tends to leave out all the wrong places.  My only real bash is there was no "Johnnycab."  With all the great homages to the original film, how you gonna leave that out?  I highly recommend you see this movie, especially if you liked the first one.  It's definitely not going to ruin that experience for you, except that given the choice you might pick this one.  Sorry Ahnold.

Well that's gonna do it for me for this week.  I'll leave you with this.  In an effort to control my diet, I've decided that instead of thinking about what I paid to eat, I'm going to think about what I paid for the after effects of what I ate.  So, basically today I paid 20 bucks for explosive diarrhea.  Thanks pizza guy!  Probly won't be ordering that again anytime soon!

Adios!  Wash your hands!   

Saturday, January 12, 2013


   Man it's been a while.  Happy New Year, by the way.  I've been sort of sitting on this thing for a few weeks now, not much to say, not much to talk about.  Went home for the holidays, and it was nice seeing everyone, but I got back and sat down more than once to try to write something here and just sort of lost interest a sentence or two in.
   I think the problem was that I didn't really feel like I had much to talk about.  Fiscal cliff?  Same old, same old.  Congress is still getting paid while screwing around with our lives.  Nah, it's been pretty baren... until now.  Thank you Ceci, for bringing this to my attention, and thank you President Obama (and Vice President Biden) for once again providing me with something to talk about.

Mind Control

   Sandy Hook.  What a tragedy.  I'm not going to harp on it, I'm sure you've heard enough.  But I am going to do exactly what the US government did, and use Sandy Hook as a jumping-off point to talk about gun control.  President Obama spoke soon after the shooting, and while I think it was definitely a genuine speech and the right thing to do, I was disappointed to see him turn something like this into a political issue on gun control.  It didn't take long for conspiracy theories to surface, like another 9/11 except this time involving a bunch of completely innocent kids.  I'm not going to say that this was a conspiracy, just like I'm not going to say that 9/11 was a conspiracy.  What I will say is that if either of these were conspiracies, then we should all be ashamed of ourselves.
   Now to the real matter: gun control.  Let me preface this by making perfectly clear my stance on guns.  I do not like guns.  They scare me.  Anything that, in an instant, can kill another person, is in my opinion a danger that is not necessary.  BUT... I DO respect the rights of Americans to have guns as stated in the Constitution.  We as a country have the right to bear arms, and we should.  If you remove the guns from our hands, then only the people who break the law will have them.  I do believe that allowing Americans to arm themselves serves as a deterrent for at least some of the people who would love to watch the world burn.  But I also believe that in many cases the "right to bear arms" is being abused.  There's a big difference between owning a shotgun or pistol to defend your home or person, and owning a semi-automatic assault rifle that was built for the purpose of killing massive amounts of people.  I've known too many people who collect guns as some sort of obsession... it's almost more of a fetish than a realistic reason.  Like having an S&M room in your house, only this is more deadly.
   So Obama decided to have Biden head up the committee on exploring the options with gun control.  I think this was a smart political decision on his part.  Biden is enough of an idiot and a bigmouth that he can say stupid stuff and piss people off, and most of us will attribute it to him being dumb instead of him being a mouthpiece for Obama.  Biden is an excellent patsey, and it's a testament to Obama's intelligence that he played it this way.  Ultimately, gun control is something that this administration has wanted to tackle for some time, and you almost can't blame Obama for using this as an opening to start the debate.  Obama is good at taking advantage of these opportunities... Sandy Hook is going to be for gun control what Ted Kennedy's death was for healthcare.  They tried it when Gabby Giffords was shot, but it didn't work.  But I guarantee you kids being killed will get more eyebrows raised and more conversations started.  It's terrible, but it's politics.
   Here's where the problem lies: Obama is apparently exploring the use of Executive Orders in order to help with the gun control issue.  First of all, the whole idea of "executive orders" is bullshit.  The POINT of our government is that there is NO executive order.  No one person can issue anything as the final word.  EVERYTHING goes through checks, balances, and smart (ha) people who can filter the decision and make sure that it's valid.  Executive orders have been abused by several presidents, and the whole concept should be eradicated immediately.  Otherwise we're not much of a "democracy," are we?
   Really though, the actual enemy here isn't Obama or Biden or any politician.  Politicans are there to bring up conversations like this, to propose solutions for us all to debate and argue about.  No, the real enemy here is media.  And I'm not talking about local news (probably the least biased of all media).  I'm talking about big media, the CNNs, the Fox Newses, the "Daily Shows," the opinionated, biased pundits who pass themselves off as "journalists."  To be clear I am not insinuating that Jon Stewart considers himself a journalist, but the sad reality is that people are so stupid that they consider him to be one.
   Take the one big mouthpiece on this whole gun control situation: Piers Morgan.  You might recall that this guy once judged people on their singing ability.  That's what he's done with his life.  And yet now he is in control of one of the most powerful news organizations in the world for one hour each night.  This barely-significant person now has the ears of hundreds of thousands of easily-influenced Americans ("sheeple," I believe they're called)... and now he's telling him what to think about gun control.  He has called in the kookiest, craziest pro-gun people around and blindsided them with pre-planned arguments that they aren't prepared for, all in an attempt to make them look crazy and kooky (and make him look like the man in control), and for what?  To satisfy his own personal opinions?  To satisfy those of people who pay him, or support him?  Whatever the case may be, this is way too much power for one person to have.  And yet, it's happening everywhere.
   So people like him are the enemy, but we are the problem.  We are the people who listen to this drivel.  We give them our eyes and ears, we give them ratings (and therefore money) to continue this sham, this "journalism."  In our endless search to be entertained, we bypass one of the only outlets of journalism that is at least somewhat neutral (local news) and instead choose to get our information from entertainers.  Seriously, if you think Piers Morgan (or for that matter, Jon Stewart) are journalists, go jump off a cliff and never speak to me again.  You are worthless.
   In the end, I don't care who you watch or where you get your information from.  What I would ask you all to do is form your own damn opinions.  Stop letting others do your thinking for you.  Do some damn research, learn something for a change, and then formulate your own theories and opinions.  In short, THINK.  Now here is MY solution to the problem  -- not for you to regurgitate like you're some sort of export, but just so you can see that I do my own thinking and I am at least smart enough to know better than to consider vomit from the mouth of a reality TV show judge to be the end-all-be-all truth.
   If you want to control guns, control ammunition.  Regulate ammunition like you regulate cigarettes.  Tax the everliving shit out of it.  Make everyone have an extensive background check before purchasing guns OR ammunition.  Add a nationwide waiting period on all weapon AND ammunition purchases (so if you buy the gun or ammo today, you have to wait three days before you receive either).  Ultimately, people who want to have guns are going to get them.  And people who want to do bad things with those guns are going to do bad things.  It's inevitable, and I for one would rather put guns into the good people's hands as well, so that at least we have SOME sensibility out there.


   From Netflix:  John Bennett's constant companion, Ted -- a hard-partying, foul-mouthed teddy bear who came to life when John was a kid -- threatens to derail his belated attempts to enter adulthood and marry his girlfriend.
   My take:  I had high hopes and concerns about this movie from the get-go.  The whole Seth McFarlane machine is sort of a mystery to me.  Is it really him that makes everything so funny, or is it the people around him?  What happened to "Family Guy?"  Did he take on too many shows and have to spread his funny too thin?  How is it that every now and then Family Guy still hits gold?  Would this movie starring Mark Walbergh (who can actually be funny) and a computer-animated teddy bear actually be funny?
   Thankfully, the answer is yes.  "Ted" was dirty, it was uncomfortable, but it was hilarious.  In a lot of ways, it's refreshing to see that someone like Seth McFarlane can still find an avenue for comedy.  I feel like Hollywood humor has sort of gotten lazy, like it's the same story over and over again (I'm looking at you, "Hangover 2").  So here comes an original idea, and it's just nice to see it find some success.
   If you're an adult, see "Ted."  If you're not, or if you have kids, spare them.  It's almost like McFarlane is challenging our intelligence with this movie.  He's trying to figure out how many bad parents are out there who will say "oh it has a teddy bear, let's show it to the kids!"  That McFarlane... he's a smart dude.

THX 1138

   From Netflix:  In a dystopian future that mandates drug use and outlaws sex, THX 1138 (Robert Duvall) and LUH 3417 (Maggie McOmie) rebel against the status quo. But when LUH winds up pregnant and THX is jailed, only a fellow prisoner (Donald Pleasence) can help THX escape. George Lucas based this futuristic love story -- his first feature film -- on an award-winning short he lensed while he was still in college.
   My Take:  So this is the movie that made George Lucas' career, huh?  This is what inspired him and helped him make Star Wars?  This is one of those movies I've wanted to see for a long time, but not so much to see the movie itself as to hopefully understand its director.  See, I've always sort of lumped Lucas and Spielberg together as two of Hollywood's greats.  But while Spielberg has kept up the quality and impressiveness of his work, Lucas seems to have completely fallen apart.  Why?  Did Lucas lose his inspiration, or has he always sucked and just got lucky with the movies he made that did well?
   Unfortunately, "THX" didn't really answer much for me.  I guess I shouldn't have expected it to.  It's low budget, it's basic, it's boring.  Though well acted, the plot just doesn't move anywhere.  It drags, and drags, and drags.  It's full of holes (where the hell did the hologram come from?  Who are these people?  What the hell is this world they live in?)  It's like a piece of a movie that Lucas figured out how to stretch into two hours.  Granted, you have to give some of this to the fact that he had a relatively small budget to work with.  But there have been plenty of low-budget movies that really showcase the talent of a director, actor, producer, etc.  This is not one of them.
   I have to attribute Lucas' success to being in the right place at the right time.  I think if he were to come up in today's film world, he would probably be nothing.  And that would suck, because "Star Wars" (the old ones) are still some of my favorite movies.  So lucky you, George, and lucky us for getting the good stuff out of you while the getting was good.  "THX" is not worth watching, unless like me you're just curious.  Oh well George Lucas, you'll always have ILM!

John Carter

   From Netflix:  One minute, Civil War veteran John Carter (Taylor Kitsch) is evading Apaches in a deserted cave. The next, he's waking up on Mars, a once-Earthlike planet that's devolved into chaos -- and civil war of a different sort. Based on Edgar Rice Burroughs's classic "Barsoom Series," this sci-fi adventure finds Carter coming to the aid of Martian princess Dejah Thoris (Lynn Collins) and pitching in to help protect the planet.
   My Take:  I'd heard this movie was pretty terrible.  But I have to admit, my curiosity got the best of me.  First of all, how could a movie about Mars be THAT bad?  I mean "Total Recall" was originally about Mars and it was friggin' sweet.  Taylor Kitsch isn't a good actor by any stretch, but he's not bad either.  The story seemed kind of interesting.  I like the director.  How bad could it be?
   Bad.  Real bad.  And you know what?  I don't blame the actors at all.  This was a group of good actors trying to make the most out of a shitty script.  This might be one of the worst-written movies I've ever seen... and I'm including "Transformers" in that comparison.  It's insulting how many things are left out of this script.  We're supposed to just understand what's going on, who is who, what is what, and it's not done for effect... it's more like laziness, like the writer was like "meh, I'm not going to bother explaining any of this shit, fuck all the viewers I just want my paycheck."
   This movie deserved the terrible reviews it got.  I hope it doesn't hurt the careers of the actors though... seriously, no one did a BAD job of acting.  The directing was okay too.  But the scriptwriter, or whoever edited that script, or whoever decided what cuts needed to be taken out of the movie, or whatever... SOMEONE needs to be punched right in the stomach for allowing this movie to make it out.  Don't watch it.  It's not even good-bad.  It's just bad-bad.  Not worth your time.

I'm going to leave you with this.  These are "meggings."  Leggings.  For men.  This is America.  And you know what?  I have less of a problem with the meggings themselves than I do with the bigger problem.  We as Americans are so intent to allow this sort of stuff that we are making fools out of ourselves in the process.  We live in a country where what was once considered "normal" is now considered "boring" or even "embarrassing."  If a straight guy goes to a strip club or looks at pornography, he's a pig.  If a gay guy wants to wear tights that reveal his junk, he's "expressing himself."  I've said this a thousand times before, and I will continue to say it.  I'm all for freedom of expression and letting people do their own thing, but let's allow EVERYONE to fall into that category.  If you don't want to pray in school, don't.  But don't make fun of or ostracize people who still do.  If you want to have sex with people of the same gender, fine.  But don't assault those of us who still prefer the opposite gender and try to make us feel guilty for doing so.  I'm 100% for ALLOWING equality, but I am totally against FORCING equality.  There's a big difference, and it's happening everywhere.

I'm going to go lay down...